
What Stephen Likes (and What He Doesn't)

Stephen has become very opinionated. His preferences are ever-evolving. Some of the more recent discoveries include:

Stephen Likes:

"Drawing" with crayons. Though it consists of scribbles, it can entertain him for hours at a time.

M&Ms. I suspect that he will feign injury in order to trick his mother or I into giving him a couple of M&Ms.

Plugging in the XBox controllers. Over, and over, and over again. For hours.

Chasing the cats. They, however, are none too fond of the attention.

Water, as in, baths and swimming pools.

Balls. Bouncing ones.

Stephen Hates:

Violence on television. Unless it's on the XBox, in which case, he approves.

Skeletons and skulls. Blame this on a door ornament he saw at Target that told crummy jokes and stuck out its tongue and eyeballs.

Diaper changes. That is, unless he's the one taking his diaper off. In his crib. Right before he decides he has to pee.

The word "No" is not popular with Stephen, especially when it is directed at him and his desire for M&Ms.

Naps are also unpopular with the boy, especially when he needs one.


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