
Camera RIP

Alas, our digital camera has given up the ghost. We've been giving it the gentle treatment for the past couple of months, given that the lense has a moody habit of not extending or retracting fully. Now, the little shutter that closes to protect the lens from our greasy grimy fingers refuses to open or shut completely.

Hence, no new pictures.

There are a couple still on the camera from when it was still (more or less) functional, so I'll gather those up and post the ones that are worth keeping.

As far as news is concerned, Amy is back to work as of last Monday. So far, she's really happy to be back.

Stephen is talking and talking and talking. He's a little parrot boy. He'll say just about anything you ask him to say. He might not get it right, but it's definitely recognizable. He's also very knowledgeable about lots of things, things I wouldn't expect him to know. Garlic, for example. I showed him a bulb yesterday and asked him what it was. "Gar-lick!" he answered. I was amazed.

He's also able to identify about 99% of the alphabet. I don't know about anyone else, but I don't remember learning my letters until age 5 or thereabouts. I've made him some flash cards with index cards and a magic marker, and I quiz him every so often. He's only familiar with capital letters so far, but I plan to work on lower case letters, numbers, and shapes pretty soon.

As to Madeline, she's growing and growing and growing. She's definitely got some meat on her bones now. She raises her head really well, is very attentive, and she even smiles at us every so often. Her next check-up is later this week. I'll be sure to post her current attribute scores.

There's nothing new in my world, unless you count my haircut. I visited a local salon a week ago, and the girl who cut my hair took a large divot out of my hair. Being that I wear glasses, and being that I wasn't wearing them during the haircut, I didn't notice the imperfection until I was driving away and admiring my hair in the rear-view mirror. Admiration turned to horror in an instant.

I wasn't prepared to go back to the same place and throw a tantrum. God knows, I'd get the same girl, and she'd end up shaving my head completely. I turned, instead, to another hair cutting place on the way home, and they set me up well enough. Granted, they had to cut my hair shorter than it's ever been in order to "repair" the damage. I feel like a shorn sheep. Or Sampson. I should've checked to make sure the girl's name wasn't Delilah before I sat in that darn chair.

Once again, I apologize for the lack of new photos. We'll be buying a new camera within the next month or so, I reckon. We've had one readily available for far too long to give up the convenience of it.

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Blogger Alan said...

Before you buy a new camera, you migt try contacting the camera's manufacturer. We have a camcorder that crapped out, and it turned out to be a known defect. They had us send it in, and they fixed it, gratis! This even though it was well out of warranty, etc.

So, give it a try and see what happens!

6:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gary, you can borrow either mine or JD's for the interim. We have two between and that's really one too many.

10:35 AM  

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