
Saturday? What Saturday?

I have to think really hard when I ask myself that question. "Where did Saturday go?"

I have vague recollections; getting up in the morning with the boy; feeding him; changing his (poopie) diaper; playing with him until his mother woke up. After that, it was all a blur.

It's been hot here. I don't care if Weather.com says that it was only in the high 70's yesterday. I will dispute that assertion until the day I die. The heat and accompanying humidity have been stifling and sapping. Living in an upstairs apartment that has very little ventilation and no central A/C only adds to the illusion that our abode is a two bedroom oven.

So, in retrospect, I suppose it must've been the heat that led me to napping a good portion of the day. Perhaps my sleep deficit added to my body's desire for rest, because I would wake up on the sofa, glance at the clock, and wonder, "How did I get here?" This happened at least twice; maybe more.

Maybe I'm just getting old.

The previous night, we had lots of thunder. One exceptionally large peal woke me up, it was louder than any thunder I've heard in a long, long time. It was so loud that someone's car alarm went off up in the parking lot. Hastur (my wife's fat, grey cat), ever fearful of loud noises, made a nest under the bed and didn't creep out until six the next morning.

Thunder-interrupted sleep aside, Saturday was spent ... sleeping. I did a little reading/research, too, and took a (very) quick jaunt to the local Target to pick up a can of formula so that my youngling will have bottles for the next week.

I feel a bit more awake today, but it's early. I know that I could easily lay down and konk out right now, if I would only give into the temptation.

We're supposed to go to the Birch Aquarium today so that the boy can look at fish. The mind is willing, but the body is weak. My wife is still in bed, the boy next to her (though I think I can hear him commenting on something or another). We'd targeted 9:30am as our departure time.

I'd better go check on him. He's whining about something. I suppose it might translate into something along the lines of, "Mommy...wake up. I'm bored!"


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