
I Feel Something


Five days to go, and I'm starting to get an uncomfortable, anxious feeling in my guts. There's so much left to do, both related to my family and my sideline as a writer/game designer, that the time I have left seems so scant. I've been sick (though not horribly), and every day I feel more worn out than I did the day before.

People at work ask me if I'm taking time off for the baby. "A week," I'll answer. They'll ask why I'm not taking more time off. "Can't afford it," I'll answer. Isn't there some paid family leave thing? "Not worth it," I'll answer.

If I could take the extra time, I would. As it is, I'm only going to be able to get paid for half of my time off (because that's all the vacation time I have at the moment).

It's on my mind today. I figure it will be on my mind for the rest of my life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there Gary. Let me or JD know if you and Amy need anything at all.


10:59 AM  
Blogger Roland said...

No need to stress and worry about things you can't do much about. After learning we were expecting our first, and then losing my job a few days after, I could have became stressed. And I probably did. But I choose to reroute that energy into a motivating factor to move forward and find another job. Stress can be good, if you use and channel it. Stress can be bad if it consumes your thoughts and subsides your passions. I'm always available for a chat, should you need to talk to someone. Be groovy.

6:55 AM  

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