
We've Been Approved!

By our medical insurance, I mean, for Stephen's DOC band. How much of the service they intend to pay for remains to be seen, but I doubt they will cover more than half of the expense. It doesn't so much matter, since we've got to pay for the thing up front and out of pocket, and then send our insurance company a bill for their portion.

The appointment is next Wednesday. They intend to take snapshots of the boy's head bone, and then they'll be making a plaster cast of it so that they can make a precise helmet to correct his flat little head. Two weeks after the casting date, we'll be the proud owners of a DOC band.

Just in time for Halloween. Still, if things go as planned, the kid should have it off before Christmas.

I'm headed to bed now. I'll add more as it comes up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that like a rock band?

He needs a corrective helmet, so to speak? Wow. From the pictures I've seen he doesn't look like he needs it.

In any case, he's a fine looking young man.

4:17 AM  
Blogger Gary said...

Yeah, it's not real obvious from the front, but his head's a bit too wide and not long enough. It looks pretty goofy from the top and/or side, hence the helmet.

I just hope he doesn't need braces when the time comes.

7:55 AM  
Blogger Alan said...

Paint it black, and refer to him only as "Lord Helmet" and "Yes, my master". Just an idea...

1:57 PM  

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