
Severe Weather

I had a dream last night. I slept poorly, but the fact that I had a dream means that I did get some kind of sleep. Even though I feel like I’ve been put through a ringer, there was some manner of rest going on. What a cruel world.

The dream involved severe weather. Blame Hurricane Katrina for that. Strong winds, tornados, and folks trying to escape. As I moved towards the protection of my mother’s house, I realized that the only photographs I have of my wife and son are digital, stored on my PDA. That battery only lasts so long; if it goes out, I won’t be able to look at those pictures. In the dream, this upset me a great deal. My thoughts were, "What if I don’t see them for a while? How will I cope if I can’t look at their pictures?"

I woke up almost immediately and mulled it over. I definitely need to pick a few of my favorite photos and get some prints made. Nothing beats a hard copy in an apocalyptic environment. Not that I’m expecting an apocalypse on any scale, but I’m sure you know what I mean.

I’ve got a friend, Chris, who lives in New Orleans. His line of work is emergency medicine. He was a doctor in the Navy stationed at Camp Pendleton when I originally met him. After getting out of the Navy, he went to Texas to continue his schooling, and finally did his residency in New Orleans. He always loved the place, and would go there for Jazz Fest every year. I never did get the full story, but I figure that he met Mary somewhere along the way. The two were married on January 6th, 2001, and I was fortunate enough to be invited as one of Chris’ groomsmen.

Chris and I communicate sporadically. Last I heard from him, he and Mary had a baby on the way. Seems like everyone I know is having children these days. I dropped an email his was a few weeks ago, but I haven’t heard back. This isn’t terribly unusual, for we oftentimes have horrible gaps in our correspondence.

Of course, it’s something like Katrina that really gets me thinking about my old friend and his wife, so many miles away and living directly in the path of a category 4 storm. I tried calling them last night, but there was no answer. Not even an answering machine. I don’t even know if I’ve got the correct phone number anymore.

I know that lots of people had evacuated. I get to wondering if Chris and Mary evacuated, too. With Chris’ line of work (being a doctor in an ER somewhere), wouldn’t he be likely to stay behind?

And so I wonder, and I worry, and I hope that they’re alright.


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