
Pictures, At Last

I managed to dig the proper cable out of its box today, and I've got a round of photos for those of you who've been eager to see them. They're not awesome, and they're not particularly exciting, but they should serve a purpose.

We Saw Many Trains on our Trip

Stephen At a Rest Stop in New Mexico

The Largest Cross in the Western Hemisphere (TX)

Amy & Madeline at our Temporary Dinner Table

Our Living Room, Before Our Stuff Arrived

Our Hallway, also Pre-Movers

The Kids' Room (Stephen for Scale)

Stephen Shows Off the Laundry Facilities

Stephen Shows Us the Potty

The Kitchen

Stephen's Favorite Cupboard

So that's it...for now. I'll be sure to get more pictures of the local area up soon, as well as more pictures of the kids. As we get closer to having our apartment (and lives) organized, we'll be able to take more snaps of the kids in their new environment. Hopefully, these pictures will suffice for the time being.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you...We enjoyed them very much. Love, Mom and Lee

9:33 PM  
Blogger Toni Perez said...

Hi Stranger,
Your place looks real nice. Have you guys been able to adjust a little more? How are Amy & the kids doing? Anything exciting happening at your new job? Keep in touch and tell Amy I said Hi


3:05 PM  
Blogger Roland said...

Seriously.. That kid's pics need to be submitted to a kid's / parenting magazine for a cover spread.

9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Mo" pictures, plez.......Mom

6:35 PM  

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